Hua LU

Professor of Computer Science
Department of People and Technology
Roskilde University
Universitetsvej 1, 10.1
DK-4000 Roskilde

Tel: +45 4674 2604
Email: luhua AT rucXYZ DOT dk (XYZ to be removed)

Photographed by Mads Folmer Jensen
Photographed by Mads Folmer Jensen
Projects Publications Services Students Teaching

I am a member of the Programming, Logic and Intelligent Systems (PLIS) research group in the Department of People and Technology, Roskilde University (RUC), Denmark. Since June 2021, I have been RUC's contact person at Digital Research Centre Denmark (DIREC). I also served on the Education and Networking Committee of Danish Data Science Academy (DDSA) from January 2022 to June 2024. From February 2007 to March 2020, I worked in the Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University. I obtained my PhD degree from the School of Computing, National University of Singapore (NUS), and my BSc (Department of Computer Science and Technology) and MSc (Institute of Remote Sensing and GIS) degrees from Peking University (PKU), China.

My research generally concerns data management, spanning database, data mining, big data and data science. My work involves different types of data such as spatial data, outdoor GPS data, indoor positioning data (e.g., RFID, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi data), and social media data (e.g., Tweets). A good deal of my research pays particular attention to locations, either explicit or implicit, in the data. A general purpose of such research is to find valuable information and knowledge efficiently from the data, which in turn are expected to enable, improve, and enrich location based services in various, especially non-conventional, scenarios. Recently, I've also been working on data quality, indexes, queries, analytics and recommendation in spatial and social contexts, with a particular interest in designing effective methods applying machine learning models.

Currently I work on several research projects. Two IFD-funded industrial PhD projects focus on making use of AIS data to model ship behavior and predict shipping market dynamics. The Villum Synergy project DiRec investigates diversity related issues in digital news recommendation. The DFF-funded AI4Spatial empowers big spatial data management with machine learning techniques.

I've served as PC vice chair for IEEE BigData 2022, co-chair for NDBC 2019, MDM 2012 and ISA 2011, vice PC chair for MUE 2011, PhD forum co-chair for MDM 2016 and 2022, and demo track chair for SSDBM 2014. I have also served on the program committees for conferences and workshops including VLDB, ICDE, WWW, KDD, CIKM, SSTD, MDM, ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS, DASFAA, PAKDD, SDM, APWeb, MobiDE, ISA, and others.

To prospective students
If you're interested in working with me as a PhD student or a visiting student in my team, you're welcome to contact me via email. I will be happy to help you apply for tuition waiver from our university and financial support from Danish foundations or other relevant agencies.

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Last modified: June 2024
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